During the summer, the YMCA can get a little slow at times.  On this particular day there was not much going on so Becky gave me some work to take home and do.  I made an excel sheet for the upcoming track and field tee-shirt orders.  It was easier to do this excel sheet because it was the same kind of set up as I did for the tee-ball tee-shirt orders.  

My internship is located in Tiffin, OH. The site is one of the largest YMCA's in Ohio.  It is surrounded by Hedges Park, which is used a lot by the community for softball games, volleyball, outdoor pool, disk golf, B-B-Q, and many more activities.  This is a good place for a YMCA to be located because the park is used by the community and know the area.  

My mentor is Becky Bohn.  She is the head director of gymnastics and youth sports for the YMCA.  She organizes schedules, registration forms, coaching staff, equipment and facilities for the youth sports teams.  When she isn't directing the youth sports programs she is doing private lessons for gymnastics, running gymnastics tournaments, and organizing the storage areas for ending seasons to put their equipment.